The Voices of NCDI Poverty Advocacy Fellowship provides those with lived experience with NCDIs in the countries representing the poorest billion with mentorship, training in building successful advocacy campaigns, financial compensation, and the opportunity to take a voting role in the governance of the NCDI Poverty Network. The NCDI Poverty Network benefits from hearing the insights and personal experiences of those living with severe, chronic NCDIs in low-and lower-middle income countries.

Fellows work closely with the Secretariat to develop annual work plans focused on building a community of people living with NCDIs, as well as amplifying and leveraging the experiences of Voices of NCDI Poverty advocates to build policy and fundraising support for the PEN-Plus Partnership. The Fellows also contribute to developing and implementing NCDI Poverty Network strategy and plans, with representatives participating in the NCDI Poverty Network Steering Group. 

We are pleased to introduce the cohort for the 2021-2022 fellowship period:

  • Anu Gomanju, Nepal: Public health student and advocate living with Rheumatic Health Disease (RHD), also has experience in Mental Health advocacy. You can read Anu’s story here and watch a video about her life here.

  • Eunice Owino, Kenya: Sickle Cell Disease advocate who founded the Sickle Cell Uhuru Trust, and is involved in various other initiatives in Kenya and the region. Learn more about Eunice here.

  • Moses Echodu, Uganda: Advocate and Childhood Cancer Survivor who has done significant work with Uganda Child Cancer Foundation and the Uganda and East African NCD Alliances. Learn more about Moses here.

  • Paladie Kampuhwe, Rwanda: Type 1 diabetes youth advocate and has done advocacy work with the Rwanda Diabetes Association and the Rwanda NCD Alliance.

Please reach out to if you have ideas or interest in collaboration.