The Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission booklet

The Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission report was published on September 14, 2020, and launched at a global virtual event on September 15, featuring a presentation of key findings and recommendations by Commission co-chairs Ana Mocumbi and Gene Bukhman. A video of their presentation and discussion with Lancet Editor Richard Horton can be viewed below.

A booklet containing the full NCDI Poverty Commission report plus two related commentaries – one from Lancet editors Richard Horton and Elizabeth Zuccala and the other co-authored by World Heart Federation President Karen Sliwa and Magdi Yacoub, president and founder of Chain of Hope – can be accessed and downloaded here.

The Commission report, the commentaries, and the appendices for the report are available as separate files below.


Lancet Commission Report, Commentaries, Appendices, Policy Brief, and Executive Summary