The Zimbabwe NCDI Poverty Commission recently held its second meeting on 14 February, 2020 in Harare. Members led by co-chair, Dr. Justice Mudavanhu finalized the list of priority NCDI conditions in Zimbabwe followed by prioritizing interventions for the health system to address these NCDIs across the country.

The Zimbabwe NCDI Poverty Commission held its inaugural meeting on 23- 24 September 2019 in Harare. The Commission is co-chaired by Dr. Justice Mudavanhu, Deputy Director of NCDs at the Ministry of Health and Child Care and Professor James Hakim of the University of Zimbabwe’s College of Health Sciences. The two day meeting brought together over 20 other experts from government ministries, universities, hospitals, and civil society organizations to discuss the burden of non communicable diseases and injuries (NCDIs) in Zimbabwe.

Commission Co-Chair Justice Mudavanhu opened the meeting by introducing the Commission’s objectives and presenting data on the burden of NCDs and injuries in Zimbabwe. The Commission reviewed and discussed the data before conducting a priority-setting process to determine the priority NCDI conditions in Zimbabwe. On the second day, the group reviewed health interventions to address these conditions. As next steps, the Commissioners agreed to gather additional data and perform further analysis before reconvening again by the end of the year.

Commission Chairs

Dr. Mudavanhu.png

Dr. Justice Mudavanhu, Deputy Director, NCDs, Ministry of Health & Child Care


Professor James Hakim, College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe (in memoriam January 26, 2021)


Dr. G. Mhlanga, Principal Director, Preventive Services, Ministry of Health & Child Care

Dr. W. Nyamayaro, PMD, Mashonaland West, Ministry of Health and Child Care

Dr. C. Tshuma, PMD, Mashonaland Central, Ministry of Health and Child Care

Dr. S. Nyaguse, Consultant Anaesthetist, Parirenyatwa and Harare Hospitals

Dr. V. Chikwasha, Bio-statistician, College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe

Dr. M. Zaranyika, Consultant Physician, University of Zimbabwe

Dr. F. Mutseyekwa, Director, Clinical Research Centre, Africa University

Prof. H. Zeeb, Director, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology, Bremen University, Germany

Dr. S. Shamu, Health Economist,  College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe

Mr. T. Kadzere, Deputy Director, Policy and Planning, Ministry of Health & Child Care

Dr. G. Shambira, Department of Community Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe

Prof. M. Tshimanga, Director, Zimbabwe FETP, College of Health Sciences, University of Zimbabwe

Dr. Janneke van Diijk, Country Director, Solidarmed Zimbabwe

Dr. A. Nyakabau, Government Oncologist, Ministry of Health and Child Care

Dr. P. Chiremberengwa, Technical Director, fhi360

Ms. M. C. Madzudzo, President, Talk Cancer Zim

Dr. F. Chisanyu, President, Traditional Practitioner Association of Zimbabwe

Dr. A. Mutengerere, Project Manager, Non-Communicable Diseases, SolidarMed Zimbabwe

Dr. R. O. Gutierrez, MSF Belgium

Dr. G. T. Fana, Consultant Physician, University of Zimbabwe


Mr. L. Nkala, Program Manager, Ministry of Health and Child Care

Ms. V. Mushininga, Program Manager, NCD Logistics and Supply Chain, Ministry of Health and Child Care


Dr. E. Wroe, Deputy Director of Policy, NCD Synergies, Partners In Health  

Dr. Gasirira, Country Representative, WHO Zimbabwe

Research and Administrative Assistants

Miss T Juru, MPH Coordinator, Health Studies Office, University of Zimbabwe

Mr. Mabhena, Health Information Officer, Ministry of Health and Child Care

Miss Lindsay Dzungu, NCDs Intern, Ministry of Health and Child Care