Nepal NCDI Poverty Commission report launched

The Nepal NCDI Poverty Commission, the Nepal Ministry of Health and Population, and various collaborators gathered in Kathmandu, Nepal for the launch of the Commission’s report on March 26, 2018. Over 80 people attended the launch event to hear Nepalese policymakers, researchers, and clinical implementers share key findings and national recommendations from the report. 

Proceedings were moderated by Commission co-chair Dr. Bhagawan Koirala and Nepal Commission Coordinator Dr. Biraj Karmacharya. Presentations highlighted Commission findings evaluating national NCDI burden of disease and risk factor attribution and the impact NCDs have on financial hardship and impoverishment in Nepal, particularly among the poorest. The report also provided national recommendations for the prioritization of NCDI services using an equity-based lens, accounting for cost-effectiveness, priority to the worse off, and financial risk protection.

Dr. Pushpa Chaudhary, Secretary of the Nepal Ministry of Health, officially launches the report with the Nepal NCDI Poverty Commission Co-Chair, Dr. Bhagawan Koirala.

Dr. Pushpa Chaudhary, Secretary of the Nepal Ministry of Health, officially launches the report with the Nepal NCDI Poverty Commission Co-Chair, Dr. Bhagawan Koirala.

In addition to presenting the key findings of the Commission, the launch featured presentations by:

  • Pushpa Chaudhary – Secretary, Nepal Ministry of Health and Population

  • Jos Vandelaer – Nepal Country Representative, WHO

  • Gene Bukhman – Co-chair, global Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission

  • Indrani Gupta – Commissioner, global Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission

The Nepal NCDI Poverty Commission report and a separate volume of appendices are available here.