Steering Committee Discusses Future of Integration Science and Intention to Strengthen Partnership with WHO

The NCDI Poverty Network Steering Committee held its fifth meeting on 9 May 2022. The Steering Committee took the opportunity to share Network achievements as well as hold in-depth strategy discussions on integration science and ways to strengthen both the Network’s partnership with the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) and engagement of WHO country offices with national NCDI Poverty Commissions and PEN-Plus Partnerships.

Attendees included: Network Co-Chairs Ana Mocumbi and Gene Bukhman; Steering Committee members Yogesh Jain, Sharon Kapambwe, Julie Makani, Aimée Lulebo, Jones Kaponda Masiye, Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, Santigie Sesay, and two Voices of NCDI Poverty Fellows representing people living with NCDIs, Moses Echodu and Eunice Owino; and staff from the Network Co-Secretariat teams based in Boston, USA, and Maputo, Mozambique.

The two-hour online meeting was divided into three sections, with the first section focused on updates to the Network’s four strategic initiatives, the second dedicated to a presentation on the concept of integration science and discussion as to how the Steering Committee can contribute to its development, and the third section centered on how to improve communication, collaboration, and coordination between the Network and WHO AFRO at the country, sub-regional, and regional levels.