New publication presents “quantitative evidence of a significant health equity gap for the poorest billion”

A recently published article by a team of Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission members and researchers has found that the burden of both communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional (CMNN) diseases and of noncommunicable diseases and injuries (NCDIs) is much greater for the world’s poorest billion people than for high-income populations.

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Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission celebrates the life and mourns the death of Bongani Mayosi – our cherished colleague and friend

Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission celebrates the life and mourns the death of Bongani Mayosi – our cherished colleague and friend

Prof. Bongani Mawethu Mayosi, a prominent South African cardiologist and member of the Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission, died on July 27, 2018, at the age of 51. Dr. Mayosi dedicated his life’s work to neglected cardiac diseases that disproportionately affect poor and vulnerable populations in Africa. His reputation for kindness, collegiality and humility will long be remembered and his colleagues in South Africa and across the world will continue to honor his mission and work in his memory.

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